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What happens after I am assessed?

What happens after assessment? (stage 4 of the Concerning Behaviour Pathway)

If a diagnosis of autism is made

There is no cure for autism. The condition is managed through understanding your needs better, and using strategies to help you develop your skills in social communication and interaction, and manage your behaviours.

A report about your specific needs with recommendations will be sent to your family.  This will be copied to your key worker and other people who care for you.   Plans can then be made about how to help you in future (Stage 4 of the Concerning Behaviour Pathway).

After you have been given a diagnosis you may be invited to a further appointment. This might be 1:1 or a group session. You can bring any questions you have about your autism to this appointment. You will be directed to local support services, books and websites and national organisations.

You can also look at the where can I get help page of this website.

If a diagnosis of autism is not made

Some children and young people are found not have all the difficulties required to make a diagnosis of autism.  If this is the case your difficulties should be summarised and sent to your key worker to continue care onto Stage 4 of the Concerning Behavior pathway.

Once the assessment is complete

Most children and young people (CYP) do not need to see a doctors once their assessment is completed. Some CYP have additional medical needs and will continue having appointments with the Community Paediatrics team or other specialist.  Most importantly, the people around you should have a better understand of your and your needs.

You should receive on-going support from your key worker.

If you do not have a key worker you need to contact your school, school nurse or health visitor to help you identify who would be the best person to do this job.  This person works with you to help meet your needs and help you and your family get the right help at the right time.