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What happens after assessment?

If a diagnosis of ADHD is made:

A report outlining how the diagnostic criteria were met and about specific needs with recommendations will be sent. This sent copied to the parents, GP and other people as appropriate. Plans can then be made about how to help you in future. 

There is no cure for ADHD. The condition is managed through understanding your needs and using behavioural support. 

After the diagnosis is confirmed, a further appointment is offered with the Specialist Nurses to discuss strategies to support ADHD and consideration of medication to support focus and concentration. You will be directed to local support services, books and websites and national organisations

Some Children and young people require medication as additional support for their needs. You and those who are caring for you, will be involved in discussions around when this might be appropriate.  If medication is started then you will be seen regularly to complete important health checks in Community Paediatric clinic to see how well it is working and check for side effects. 

If a diagnosis of ADHD is not made:

Some children and young people are found not to have all the difficulties required to make a diagnosis of ADHD. If this is the case your difficulties should still be summarised in a letter.

Support can still be accessed at