These suggestions are for general advice only and do not replace medical or support advice given by those working directly with families and young people.
I am looking for information about a medical condition?
The KMH Library Service 01623 622515 ext 4009
Problems with Behaviour?
The neurodevelopmental assessment pathway and support guidance
Review available support at Notts help yourself
Please see our Behaviour Patient Information Leaflet here
Contact the named School Nurse or Health Visitor now called the Healthy Families Team.
Problems with sleep?
Please see our Sleep Problems Patient Information Leaflet here
Access support at the local Children’s Centre if under 5 years
Contact the school nurse if over 5 years. The Healthy Families Team.
Worries about self harm or suicidal thoughts?
If there are acute concerns - seek emergency support through GP, NHS 111 service, or the emergency department.
If your child/young person is in imminent danger you should contact the emergency services.
The Child and Adolescent mental health team provide assessment and support for self harm difficulties. Parents and young people aged 12-18 years can self refer to CAMHS – 0115 8542299 or see CAMHS website.
Referrals can be made, or advice sought by any professional working with your child/young person.
Worries about anxiety or low mood?
Discuss concerns with your GP, or school nurse. (If there are acute concerns see above)
Please see our Emotions Patient Information Leaflet here
The Child and Adolescent mental health team provide assessment and support for mental health difficulties. Parents and young people aged 12-18 years can self refer to CAMHS – 0115 8542299 or see CAMHS website.
Referrals can be made, or advice sought by any professional working with your child/young person.
Information is also available at YoungMinds, MindEd or information leaflets on the Royal College of Psychiatrists Website
I need a prescription?
We will ask your GP to prescribe or continue prescribing many of the drugs we start. There are certain exceptions including Melatonin, some ADHD medications or specialised drugs. If our child/young person takes these drugs repeat prescriptions will need to be requested from the Community Paediatric prescription service: Please email your request to or telephone the voice mail 01623 672275 (voicemail)
I have a question about medication?
If there is a non urgent medication query regarding a prescription managed by the Community Paediatric team please contact the department. Your message maybe dealt with by either one of the Doctors or Nurse Specialists. If you have urgent concerns about a medication, please contact your GP or NHS 111 Service.
Problems at school?
Problems with education should initially be discussed directly with your educational setting eg school, nursery. As a family you can ask to have a meeting with the classteacher, school SENCO or headteacher. If there are ongoing problems you can seek support from:
Advice around Education, Health and Care Plans can be accessed through the SEND local offer website
Problems with weeing, pooing or using the toilet?
General advice is available from the school nursing/Health visiting team. ( contact details via GP) or
Please see our Toileting Problems Patient Information Leaflet here
New health problem, what do I do?
For new health issues not related to the condition you are seen by the Community Paediatric Team for, please contact your own GP for advice.
If there are acute concerns - seek emergency support through GP, NHS 111 service, or the emergency department.
I need some help with a letter or form?
Diagnosis Confirmation Letter - If you require a letter confirming a diagnosis or proof of Consultant care we would recommend you offer your last clinic letter eg for holiday parks, housing etc. This contains information about the current management of your child/young person. Please ensure that you have the permission of the person with parental responsibility or the young person.
If you have concerns about sharing this information, please contact the Community Paediatric department to discuss with the team.
DLA/PIP – Please document the details of your current Consultant on your application form and attach a copy of your last clinic letter. The Department of Work and Pensions will contact your Consultant directly for additional information if needed. You may also need to provide the details of an alternative person who knows your child/YP this maybe a school teacher, or keyworker etc.
Please do not send any forms to the Community Paediatric Department without discussion.
Holiday Letters – If required for travel, we can provide letters about medication prescribed by our department. If the medication is prescribed by the GP, you will need to contact them to complete the letter. We do not provide letters of support for holidays outside normal school holiday times.