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What happens after I am assessed?

If a diagnosis of autism is made:

There is no cure for autism. The condition is managed through understanding needs better, and using strategies to help development of skills in social communication and interaction, and help manage behaviours.

A report outlining how the diagnostic criteria were met and about specific needs with recommendations will be sent to your family.  This will be copied to the parents and GP and other people as appropriate. Plans can then be made about how to help you in future.

After you have been given a diagnosis you will be offered a group session about understanding autism with the Specialist Nurses. You can bring any questions you have about autism to this session.  You will be directed to local support services, books and websites and national organisations.

If a diagnosis of autism is not made:

Some children and young people are found to have autistic traits but not met the threshold of the diagnostic criteria to have a full diagnosis of autism. If this is the case your difficulties are summarised in a letter and support can still be accessed at

Once the assessment is complete

Most children and young people (CYP) do not need to continue to see a doctor once their assessment is completed. Some CYP have additional medical needs and will continue having appointments with the Community Paediatrics team or other specialist.  Most importantly, the people around you should have a better understand of your and your needs.